Advanced System Technology branch AST of Fraunhofer IOSB



Together with our customers, we develop tailored, resilient and future-oriented systems engineering solutions for complex, dynamic and time-varying processes in the fields of energy and water supply, cybersecurity, land and underwater robotics, data spaces and ICT ecosystems, and disinfection. Through our scientific work, we provide significant upstream research for this for the benefit of our customers and for society.


Cognitive Energy Systems


Embedded Intelligent Systems


Underwater Robotics

Our offer for you:


Field-tested energy management systems for the energy industry

Our energy market solution EMS-EDM PROPHET® & best practice applications for the energy industry.


Cognitive & adaptive assistance systems

Intelligent applications for the energy industry.


Applications for smart neighborhoods &
intelligent charging management.

We are bringing the energy transition to the city.


Cybersecurity learning lab

Make your business secure. With our attractive offers for the energy and water industry.


Quantum Hub

Innovative uses of quantum communications in the energy sector.


Autonomous systems

Innovative applications for autonomous mobile systems, assistance and real-time systems, and tracking & localization.


Underwater Robotics

Your strong partner for customized projects: From inspection solutions in the offshore sector to applications in the field of underwater archaeology.


UVC LED Technologies

Water, air and surface disinfection through innovative LED technologies.

About us:



Press releases and press coverage about Fraunhofer IOSB-AST.


Jobs & carrier

The current job advertisements of the Fraunhofer IOSB-AST.


New construction

The Applied Systems Technology AST division of IOSB is constructing a joint institute building together with Fraunhofer IIS / Department of Electronic Measurement and Signal Processing EMS.

Our locations


Fraunhofer IOSB-AST

Institutsteil für angewandte Systemtechnik AST des Fraunhofer IOSB

Am Vogelherd 90
98693 Ilmenau

How to find us



Wilhelmsplatz 11
02826 Görlitz

contact person: Prof. Jörg Lässig

phone: +49 3581 7925354



Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31
10589 Berlin

contact person: Fanny Erdmann
phone: +49 30 3463-7800



Alter Hafen Süd 6
18069 Rostock

contact person: Patrick Bethke
phone: +49 381 4024-449