Energy optimization

Model type Fundamental model of the German electricity market to represent the German power plant and storage portfolio and its development (expansion scenarios)
Model approach Optimization of power plant deployment under technical and economic boundary conditions, mapping of power plants as blocks or clusters based on the power plant list of the network development plan and the BNetzA, regionalization on federal state level, basis is module RPS of EMS-EMD PROPHET, consideration of annual slices in 1h resolution
Model Target Calculation of schedules for power plants and storage facilities as well as generation per region and Germany, calculation of CO2 emissions and spot market price and total system cost
Target group Energy suppliers, power plant operators, transmission system operators, ministries
Reference projects ADELE II, ADELE-ING
Publications "Influence of accuracy in energy system modeling to profitability analysis of pumped-storage power plants” 2014

IOSB electricity market model FENIA - Optimization of the power plant fleet