Factory-X - a sovereign data space for mechanical and plant engineering
The project
The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is involved in the Factory X project with several institutes, including Fraunhofer IOSB-AST. The overarching goal is to enable technical interoperability in a cross-industry, open data ecosystem. Factory-X relies on solutions created in the Catena-X Automotive Network, adapts them and/or creates industry-specific solutions for specific use cases. A key concern is to maintain interoperability between emerging domain-specific data spaces. After all, it is clear that participants in a data ecosystem can also be components of other industrial sectors. Standardization therefore plays a key role.
The Fraunhofer IOSB-AST is actively involved in the “Energy Consumption and Load Management” use case. The aim is to optimize energy use, reduce the carbon footprint and ensure grid-friendly production, whereby industrial companies and the energy industry are to be connected via a data space.
The Fraunhofer IOSB-AST is developing the capability “Load Management”, which combines the energy flexibilities from the production processes with flexibilities available on-site through energy storage. The resulting flexibilities can be used to increase self-sufficiency, to avoid peak loads or as an offer to energy suppliers and grid operators. To do this, the production processes and the entire energy system of a company are analyzed first. Then the requirements for the reference architecture are developed and the capability load management is validated. An implementation concept for holistic energy management is being developed in collaboration with DMG MORI.
Our solutions
- Further development of methods for tapping energy flexibility and efficiency in industrial companies
- Integration of these methodologies into energy management and their application in the “Energy Consumption and Load Management” use case
- Ensuring cross-data-space interoperability
- Development of algorithms for day-ahead planning, for integration into capability load management
- Development of implementation concepts within the framework of the Factory X architecture in close coordination with DMG MORI