- Increase energy efficiency through more accurate modeling of the energy system and its uncertainties (uncertain input variables of the energy system, uncertainty regarding price development), incorporation of uncertainties into the planning phase for more efficient use of resources, reduction of lead time towards a real-time energy economy (increasing challenges for a (cost-)efficient and sustainable energy supply require faster solving of more complex models).
- Exploitation of quantum computing for the cross-sectoral energy sector and there especially electromobility.
- Demonstration of the advantages of quantum computing in real applications in the energy sector (quantum advantage).
- Selection of suitable quantum computing hardware (superconducting qubits, trapped ions, neutral atoms, silicon nanodots (artificial atoms), etc.), suitable algorithms (hybrid quantum-classical algorithms such as QAOA and VQE, pure quantum algorithms such as Grover search algorithm), the dimensionality of the information carriers (two-dimensional qubits or multi-dimensional quudits) and suitable problem formulation based on the customer-specific problem.
- Awareness raising (lack of understanding and intuition) for the general public, energy sector stakeholders, and engineers and computer scientists working in the energy sector.